On Monday, October 12, 2020, Carla Harris, Vice Chairman, Managing Director and Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley, shared her learned and hard-earned pearls of wisdom at the Women Leaders X Convention. Her authenticity, strength and, vulnerability empowered every woman on the screen watching.
Carla Harris provided a multitude of tips and advice for women and leaders alike. Whether it be in the c-suite or at your cubicle, it is important to note that you can be a leader in any seat you are sitting in. Authenticity, trust and, clarity are three key traits to be a strong leader. Authenticity brings stability and is your distinct competitive advantage over others. No one does you like yourself. It is easy to look around and see what everyone else is doing and try to conform, but that is when you lose your sparkle.
It is the age of authenticity and transparency. For a long time, public relations has been seen as inauthentic or untrustworthy. However, being authentic in your communications is crucial for maintaining a brand’s reputation and earning the trust of the public. It is not just important to earn the trust of the public though, earning employees' trust is crucial. According to Carla Harris, trust is at the heart of any successful relationship.
Being authentic with character is also essential. Brands that have a defined voice that is authentic and relatable go far with the public. Companies that use social media a lot and interact with its following in a way that is meaningful to the consumer are often more successful. Take Netflix for example, the streaming service uses its social media to promote its content by posting or retweeting memes that are fun and engaging for its following.
Carla Harris also spoke about the importance of inclusion. It is necessary to solicit other people’s voices. It takes courage to be an inclusive leader. We must "call a thing a thing." This includes standing up for yourself and others and having the courage to call someone out for the insensitive remark they just made. Diversity and inclusion are the keys to innovation. Harris describes innovation as the key to growth. We must celebrate our failures for the sole purpose of having taken the risk and learned something new.
Diversity and inclusion are crucial in every industry. Currently, the public relations industry is predominantly white. The industry must work harder to become more diverse and inclusive. You need to be able to culturally read your audience if you want them to buy your product or service. It is a lot easier to have the diversity in-house where you can have that understanding built-in. Diversity and inclusion in the workplace can enrich thought, drive creativity, and improve productivity.
The Women Leaders X convention’s mission was to unify, uplift, and inspire women leaders globally. The public relations industry is female-dominated however, it is estimated that nearly 80 percent of CEO positions in public relations agencies are held by men. This makes the pay gap between men and women especially shocking in this industry. The gap is recognized by both men and women in the industry which is fortunate because it is the responsibility of everyone to solve the issue of unequal pay.
Carla Harris is a true inspiration and being able to listen to her life lessons was an unmatched opportunity. Remember to be your true authentic self, take every opportunity you can to lead, and embrace diversity and inclusion.